Episode 1: Partnering
The entire Gulf Coast region is filled with expertise and excitement, and BIO from the BAYOU brings you full access to our vibrant ecosystem. Each episode originates directly from New Orleans, where people come for the science and stay for the food, festivals, and resilient culture. The inaugural episode of BIO from the BAYOU is hosted by Patrick Reed of LSU Health and James Zanewicz of Tulane University – who also serve as guests as they interview each other and explore the world of business development and partnering! Instead of more traditional podcast scheduling, BIO from the BAYOU will release clusters of ~15 minute episodes around key Bio-Industry events such as BIO, JPM HealthCare Week, BioNetwork West and AUTM – so that Bio-Industry insiders have something to listen to while traveling or between meetings. The first episode drops in advance of BIO2022 to help people better prepare for their 1-1 meetings.
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